Wessey Princess mercy (Expensive) Biography

Jun 23

Wessey Princess mercy (Expensive) Biography

About this business: Wessey Princess mercy is a versatile entertainer and a philanthropist based in Ghana and Nigeria who came from nothing to something she’s also known as a self prophetess who always believe in God for a great turnaround! and she’s always working hard, for the God of wonders never fails.

at the age of 16 Wessey princess came up with a nickname called Expensive, due to a lot of guys wanting her, but she has been focused in her goals, and not minding them, so she called her self expensive because she feels no man can get into her heart or body while chasing her goals

she started acting from primary school and church, because of her skills and talents, She is also known as a philanthropist, Musician, Comedian Body Sculptor, and a content creator.

as time goes on she will decided to expand her brand and company which she abbreviated her name to Big YD PRINCESS ENTERTAINMENT and she’s also popularly known as BigEXPENSIVE..

She doesn’t care about what people say about her, she only care about chasing her goals because she’s a goal getter. An Orphan who has been Hustling hard to make it big

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  1. Dontizzythb says:

    Bless up❤️