The hit came shortly after the release of
‘SONG OF PRAISE’ which has massive airplays, and massive online presents which are available on all major streaming platforms across.
Chinedu has worked with a lot of Nigerian top celebrities.
Songs he did with some of Nigerian top celebrities: CELEBRATE featuring Tekno and NA GOD featuring Flavour.
He also worked with a lot of Nigerian celebrity producers such as MASTERKRAFT, SELEBOBO and more.
On this new single, Chinedu teams up with Professor Onye Egwu to give it a smooth melodic.
ENJOY is a song that thrills and makes your day a remarkable one. And was mixed and mastered by the hit maker: Selebobo.
Label: BRAVO Entertainment.
Artiste name: CHINEDU
Song title: ENJOY
Instagram: @chinedu_bravo
Twitter: @BravoChinedu
Facebook page: @Ezeani Chinedu
YOUTUBE: @ezeanichinedu